Monday, October 18, 2010

Last sausages at this summer ?


Are these last sausages at this summer? Well, they might be or might not.. It all depends how long this summer will last and how hungry I am :) The first snowfall was already seen, but after all the sailing trip to Baltic Sea was a pleasent experience. We had wind speed from 1 m/s up to 12-14 m/s, sunshine, snowfall and cloudy. The sea was quiet, we only saw couple of other sailing boats and very few birds, e.g. swans, couple of seals and one mink.

On a harbour at Katanpää

When coming back from 3-day trip to Uusikaupunki harbour, we sailed the boat onto a dockyard for lifting up the boat to the ground for maintenance and storage over the long and cold winter time. The boat will be lifted back to the water after half an year, when the sailing season starts again in Finland on May.

On a steering shift

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