Sunday, March 14, 2010

My lucky day

Today I was lucky at Paramaribo. It's sunday and I decided to rent a bike and have a look around the Paramaribo and it's surroundings. It was a hot morning and it got even hotter when I started biking around 10AM. I biked Kleine Waterstraat street towards the downtown and passing it via Waterkant and Saramaccastraat near the waterfront. I took the Van 'T Hogerhuvsstraat, which leads you out of the city towards the huge bridge, which crosses the Suriname River and take you to the countryside. The bridge is roughly 1 km long and it's steep. I was struggling with my bike to get to the top, but when managed to climb there were pleasent down-hill leg waiting and giving high speed ride to the other side of the river.

Bridge over Suriname River

I was continuing for awhile and took the first small paved road to the right. And then it happened!

I was biking bemused and wasn't observing my neighbourhood. Suddenly my brains realized and my heart started to bounce wildly. I stopped the bike, because I nearly drove over the huge snake, which was coming to the road from the grass. I took couple of photos after which the snake turn around and went back to bushes. There were roughly 2 meters of the snake visible on the road and the rest were hidden to grass. It must have been at least 4-5 meters long.

When I returned the bike and showed the photo, they said I have been extremely lucky to see Anakonda. Boy I was scared, when such a giant was just meters away from me, but anyhow this turned to be my lucky day...

First 2 meters of Anakonda on the road


  1. Voi perkele, siellä sitä vuan köllötellään mollukan lämmössä. Joensuussa pakkasta aamulla n. -20 C, varpaita kipristelee. No Jokipojat män heittämällä mestisfinaaliin, Kookoo nurin finaalissa ja sitten ilvesturkkia pöllyttämään ja SMLIIGAAN!!!!

    Nautinnollisia ja elämyksellisiä reissupäiviä edelleenkin sinulle, en ehtinyt lukaista noita blogijuttujasi tarkemmin, meikäläisen englannin taidolla saattaa vähän aikaakin mennä, että jotain ymmärtää

    Jukka from Joensuu City

  2. Juu olen nauttinut tästä Suomen talvesta täällä kaukomailla, lunta ei ole näkynyt eikä suksia ole vedetty jalkaan :)

    Niin, ja jos Jokipojat nousee liigaan, niin lupaan käydä katsomassa ainakin yhden pelin. Esim. Tappara matsin Hakametsän hallissa.
